Hypnotherapy For Nicotine Addiction

Hypnotherapy For Nicotine Addiction

Nicotine Addiction Hypnotherapy London

Whether it’s an addiction to cigarettes, roll-ups, cigars or shisha smoking, addiction to smoking tobacco is difficult to break free from because of the naturally present addictive neurotoxin nicotine poison. Most smokers wanting to quit tobacco will switch to another safer nicotine product, most likely either e-cigarettes, e-cigs, or vapes, for example the market leaders currently JUUL and Vype and many others, or nicotine lozenges, or nicotine gums, sprays or patches.

Some people for example many teenagers are now addicted to vaping nicotine that have never even used tobacco ever in their lives.

Nicotine replacement products are definately much safer than smoking tobacco as they do not contain the carcinogenic tar (with over 70 different substances that are known to cause cancer). However nicotine alone is harmful as it causes hardening of the arteries, cardiovascular disease, increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, poor circulation (cold hands and feet), poor digestion, and also increases ageing of the skin.

Nicotine replacement products slowly reduce you off the nicotine until you are completely free.  Nicotine leaves the body in approximately 72 hours.

Nicotine addiction is also a mental addiction (or habit) NOT just a physical one. And because the habit lies mostly in the subconscious mind, no matter how much you say consciously that you want to quit, you are fighting a difficult battle because the habit is tucked away in your subconscious mind. This is why hypnotherapy is extremely powerful because it deals with the subconscious side of your nicotine addiction.

I have helped thousands of people quit smoking all over the world in the the last 15 years, find out how much easier it is to quit nicotine addiction with advanced hypnotherapy. I even show you how to usually avoid any unwanted weight gain afterwards.

So, if you are one of the millions of people who wish to become free from the nicotine trap!

Let me help you find complete nicotine FREEDOM.

Click here for the general addiction page.

Find freedom from all Nicotine Addictions, Cigarettes, Roll-ups, cigars, Electronic Cigarettes, e-cigs, JUUL, Shisha, Nicotine Gums and Sprays.

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Nicotine Addiction Hypnotherapy With Max Kirsten

  • A unique combination of hypnosis, NLP and latest cognitive behavioural techniques
  • A powerful and effective way to break addiction to nicotine in all its various forms

IMPORTANT: Please note that the effects of therapy may differ for different clients. No therapy can give you a 100% guarantee of a cure. All clients are required to complete a questionnaire form before undertaking hypnotherapy, in which you will be asked to disclose certain medical information. Whilst clinical hypnotherapy is very safe, if you are epileptic, or undergoing psychiatric treatment, then you should obtain a letter from your medical practitioner to confirm that you may have Nicotine Addiction.

Juul Addiction Hypnotherapy London. E-cig Hypnotherapy London. Ecig Hypnotherapy London. Electronic Cigarette Hypnotherapy London. Vape Addiction Hypnotherapy London.


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The Max Kirsten Clinic
35 Beauchamp Place,
Knightsbridge, London, SW3 1NU

Call Us Now 020 7917 9878
International callers +44 20 7917 9878

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