Healthy Eating Now MP3 Pack 2025

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Healthy Eating Hypnosis Program

Healthy Eating Now – is a powerful Healthy Eating hypnosis MP3 download program which combines Hypnotherapy and NLP with the very latest in nutritional health information to help increase your desire to make the 'right' healthiest food choices each day. This hypnotic program will help to motivate and re-program your mind to have a 'super-healthy' relationship with food.   Important Information: Please be aware that MP3 files cannot be downloaded directly to mobile IOS devices – iPhones and iPads. *For these you should always download first to a desktop/laptop and then sync to your mobile device with iTunes 2nd. But you can download straight into all android devices.

Eat Healthily with Max Kirsten's Healthy Eating Hypnosis Program 2025

Max Kirsten brings you the distillation of all his many years of clinical hypnotherapy experience in his latest Healthy Eating MP3 hypnosis download program 2025 – a proven technique in 3-easy steps. Max introduces his latest Advanced Personal Clinical Hypnotherapy NLP program to help you to become the healthiest you have ever been. Hypnotherapy for Healthy Eating.

This healthy eating hypnosis program can be very useful to help people with eating disorders, over-eaters and under-eaters, junk and fast food eaters, and for people who just want to eat well but can’t seem to break their bad eating habits.

  • Imagine… how good it will feel eating only the healthiest foods
  • Imagine… not comfort or emotional eating
  • Imagine…  avoiding fast food, junk and processed food
  • Imagine…  eating fresh, clean, natural and organic
  • Imagine...  drinking enough fresh water each day
  • Imagine...  looking and feeling radiantly healthy


  1. You ARE what you eat.
  2. What you EAT you become.
  3. Choosing to EAT healthy, is choosing to BE healthy.

When you start eating foods that are healthy and natural, 
your entire life is going to change. With advanced hypnotherapy you will learn to adopt new healthy daily habits.

"Whatever you did it worked! I now can't go near anything with chocolate and can you believe I don't ever have any late night treats or snacks! I think you are mentioned nearly every day when people ask why I don't eat chocolate? Thank you!"
Lisa B
"Hi Max, It's your overeater haha! Things going very well so far. I have not had any chocolate after dinner (unheard of for me) not touched my daughter's food and have left something on my plate after every meal. Massive improvement. Getting healthy!!"
Sonja B
"Hi Max! I just have to write because I don't know what finally happen. I kept the one week of no chocolate and the days kept passing by without a problem at all. I can now walk past any chocolate and laugh at how ridiculously powerful it was before and how I don't even want to touch  it now. I am so grateful, I almost didn't think I was able to ever be free. Its an amazing feeling. My mind is still struggling from time to time with finishing food at the right time but never ever to the same degree as I use to.  Thank you so so much for what you have done so far though! And I'm sure you've heard it all before but really, this saved my life!  Take care!"
Anja M

What's Included In The Healthy Eating Hypnosis MP3 Download Pack?

  • Healthy Eating Now - Introduction
  • 'The Tools for Healthy Eating' - 33 mins A Nutritional Education
  • Healthy Eating Now - 20 mins Hypnotherapy NLP Session
  • Healthy Eating Now - 30 mins Hypnotherapy NLP Session

About The Healthy Eating Hypnosis Program

Welcome to my latest Healthy Eating hypnosis program, which is a hypnotherapy MP3 download to help you eat better and more healthily and that has taken several years to make. It’s a unique and powerful blend of NLP and advanced Hypnotherapy for Healthy Eating, combined with the very latest scientific nutritional dietary knowledge, which when combined together will help to boost your desire to make the right food choices at both the conscious and sub-conscious levels for better health.

Learning self-hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help you to lead a healthy life, use in addition to other healthy strategies for achieving success. However some 'will-power', and a desire to make changes are still required for the best results!

Why Choose Hypnotherapy for Healthy Eating Behavioural Modification?

Because multiple-session hypnotherapy has been shown to be by far the most effective strategy to help you eat healthily. Success rates of those using multiple-session hypnosis to change are as much as 10 times the success rates of those who try to break old habits without hypnotherapy. Using my healthy eating hypnosis MP3 downloads enables you to treat yourself as often as necessary, in your own time and in the comfort of your home.

What you put at the end of your fork can be a more powerful medicine than anything you will find at the bottom of a pill bottle. Food is the most powerful medicine available to heal chronic disease, which will account for over 50 million deaths and cost the global economy $47 trillion by 2030. All you need to do is eat your medicine and think of your grocery store as your pharmacy. Scientific studies show that small changes in your daily behavior can add years to your life.

The first part of the healthy eating hypnosis program is purely educational, and is based on the latest scientific research on healthy eating, including the very latest food, and nutritional information. This is the key to becoming scientifically healthier, and to achieve optimal health is to understand what the human mind and body needs to work super-effectively. This section can be listened to anywhere, walking, or driving - as it is NOT a hypnotic recording.
The second part is this Advanced Hypnotherapy & NLP healthy eating hypnosis download program. Listen regularly to 2 special recordings designed to 're-program' your mind around food and exercise. * This is a proven and effective healthy eating program based on Max Kirsten’s many years of successfully treating his patients to eat much more healthily at his London clinic.
The Hypnotherapy and NLP audio elements of this hypnosis program were created in a 'state-of-the-art' recording studio with Full Stereo Imaging, including the latest Future Pacing, Analogue Marking techniques, with breakthrough techniques in Advanced Hypnosis combined with Binaural Beat Technology, and encoded (Alpha,Theta, Delta) Brainwave Entrainment Frequencies (BEF).

Why Choose Hypnotherapy for Healthy Eating Behavioural Modification?

'Healthy Eating Now with Max Kirsten' is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods that you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, stabilising your mood, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible – all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you. You can expand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a tasty, healthy diet.

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Success Coach, I've seen a steady increase in the number of my clients with food related health problems, and a variety of eating disorders (ED). Your diet, exercise and lifestyle choices really CAN improve your health and wellbeing.

I look forward to helping you have a healthier relationship with food in 2025.

Max Kirsten Signature

Max Kirsten C.Ht

Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Success Coach, Certified Sleep Coach & Author

* Important Information: These hypnotherapy NLP download programs are not in CD format. They are MP3 format sound files (which you can then burn to CD if you wish to later) and some programs contain PDF e-books.

* Please also be aware that MP3 files cannot be downloaded directly to mobile iOS devices – iPhones and iPads. You should always get either the iOS app from the Apple App Store. Similarly, if you are on Android, get the app from Google Play, or if this product is not also available in App format, we recommend that you download an App called 'Collect’ by WeTransfer or something similar onto your smartphone and/or tablet to use as the MP3 player of these files. Alternatively, you can download these MP3 Packs into Dropbox to stream/play or similar.