Public Speaking Success MP3 Pack 2025

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Public Speaking Hypnosis Program

Max Kirsten's ‘Public Speaking Success’ hypnosis download program is a specialised hypnotic training program based on many years of working successfully with top CEOs, business leaders, politicians, top actors, fashion designers, athletes, and drama students from some of the top Acting and Drama schools to help them to overcome their fears and anxieties in public and presentation speaking, stage fright and interview nerves. Important Information: Please be aware that MP3 hypnotherapy and NLP files cannot be downloaded directly to mobile devices, such as iPhones, iPads or Android mobiles. You should always download first to a desktop/laptop and then sync to your mobile device.  

Fear of Public Speaking Hypnosis Program 2025

Self-Hypnosis To Achieve Confident Public Speaking

Hypnotic NLP 'Peak Performance' Program for public speaking. Developed by award winning Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Success Coach, Max Kirsten, the 'Public Speaking Success' hypnosis program is a tried and tested 'super-effective' confidence boosting/anxiety-busting package, with over 4-hours of advanced hypnotherapy and NLP sessions that dissolve anxiety and stress. This is a hypnotherapy download which you can play on your smartphone or computer.
"Going on Broadway for the first previews has been a nervy thing, but Max Kirsten’s app has been brilliant!"
Ewan McGregor OBE

Unconfident or Anxious Speakers

Max demonstrates how unconfident, or anxious speakers (at all levels) can easily learn how to give 'world-class' presentations. In a matter of hours, your next speech's content and delivery can be transformed from being "nervous and muddled" into a "completely mesmerising" public speaking performance.

Max Kirsten is a highly successful and experienced Public Speaking Coach. In a unique 'multi-modal’ approach this program combines both practical public speaking training, with hypnotic recordings that contain the latest techniques in Advanced Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Max is also an internationally recognised, award-winning Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner and Author.

Ozwald Boateng Public Speaking Testimonial

This fear of public speaking hypnosis program also includes a number of proven anxiety busting tools, making this a truly effective stress/anxiety management program, and is based on many years of Max's public speaking Advanced Hypnotherapy and NLP coaching sessions.

The recordings include the very latest Future Pacing and Analogue Marking techniques, whilst the background music is encoded with (alpha, theta, delta) Brainwave Entrainment Frequencies, combined with Binaural Beats and Isochronic tones technology, and full stereo imaging.

This specially created public speaking hypnosis program is based on many years of training anxious, nervous public speakers (at all levels) teaching them to give 'world-class’ presentations, acting performances, speeches, lectures and excellent interviews etc…, so that they completely overcome and forget about themselves in the process of 'outward not inwards’ helpful communication.

Max not only explains and trains, but he also hypnotically re-programs you - both at the conscious and sub-conscious levels - so you can soon speak confidently with anyone, anywhere, and in any situation!  You will be trained how to 'expect the unexpected' so that you can become a more resilient and confident speaker.

The public speaking hypnosis program includes proven anxiety reduction tools, powerful breathing exercises, plus a technique called Thought Field Therapy (TFT). This is a truly effective stress/anxiety management program based on Max's one-to-one coaching and clinical work. With this Public Speaking hypnosis coaching - Advanced Hypnotherapy and NLP program - you will learn to stop worrying and thoroughly enjoy speaking in any situation.

With this hypnosis for fear of Public Speaking program you will learn how to start to enjoy speaking in public anywhere!

What's Included in the Public Speaking Hypnosis Program?

  • The 3 keys to writing a good speech
  • The 10 Essentials for public speaking
  • The 10 secrets for good body language
  • Over 240 minutes of audio sessions and content
  • 6 Hypnotherapy sessions (for day and sleep)
  • 4 Key Breathing Techniques
  • Anxiety Busting Tools - including TFT (Thought Field Therapy)
Max Kirsten Signature

Max Kirsten C.Ht

Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Success Coach, Certified Sleep Coach and Author

* Important Information: These hypnotherapy NLP download programs are not in CD format. They are MP3 format sound files (which you can then burn to CD if you wish to later) and some programs contain PDF e-books.

* Please also be aware that MP3 files cannot be downloaded directly to mobile iOS devices – iPhones and iPads. You should always get either the iOS app from the Apple App Store. Similarly, if you are on Android, get the app from Google Play, or if this product is not also available in App format, we recommend that you download an App called 'Collect’ by WeTransfer or something similar onto your smartphone and/or tablet to use as the MP3 player of these files. Alternatively, you can download these MP3 Packs into Dropbox to stream/play or similar.