Clinical studies showing how hypnosis helps with weight loss are irrefutable:
In a 9-week study of two weight management groups (one using hypnosis and one not using hypnosis), the hypnosis group continued to get results in the two-year follow-up, while the non-hypnosis group showed no further results (Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1985).
In a study of 60 women separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups, the groups using hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds, while the non-hypnosis group lost an average of only .5 pounds (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986).
In a meta-analysis, comparing the results of adding hypnosis to weight loss treatment across multiple studies showed that adding hypnosis increased weight loss by an average of 97% during treatment, and even more importantly increased the effectiveness POST TREATMENT by over 146%. This shows that hypnosis works even better over time (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1996).
To succeed at becoming the slimmer NEW you, here are some useful tips to combine with hypnosis as an adjunct.
REMEMBER the four magic action words.
“Eat less.
Exercise more”.
Know that your body’s daily requirement for life energy from your food is much less than you think.
“Eat less.
Exercise more”
Remember that it was by over-eating that got you this annoying problem in the first place.
It’s a fact that if you eat more than your body needs for today, your body can’t process it, so it just stores it on your body (like a food storage cabinet), hoping that perhaps you’ll need it tomorrow or for a rainy day. And if you do this every day… you get what you got.
“Hypnosis can actually help you lose weight.” Harvard Medical School psychotherapist Jean Fain Oprah Magazine, 8/04
“With weight loss the evidence is conclusive…hypnosis does help people reduce.” Smithsonian Magazine, 3/99
“The purpose of hypnosis as a therapeutic technique is to help you understand and gain more control over your behavior, emotions or physical well-being.” The Mayo Clinic 12/03
It’s not your fault you became overweight, maybe your parents programmed you not to waste food, “Eat everything up!” Or you learned to eat super-fast! Even to eat un-consciously! In an unconscious food trance.
It’s not your fault you became overweight, maybe you learned to comfort eat with food. Perhaps it helped you to cope… to relax… to forget…
Remember… That comfort eating has made you feel uncomfortable with your body.
It’s not your fault you became overweight, perhaps it was a form of protection from something in the past, Now long past… this behaviour is no longer needed or valid anymore.
It is NOW your responsibility from now on to do things differently… from this very moment.
Your overweight membership just expired.
The past is now over!
Now you can embrace your new slimmer future starting TODAY!
Take the time to chew your food properly, slow it down… (20 times is good amount to chew before swallowing)
Eat slowly.
Eat in a fully conscious state of mind.
Also Remember to breathe, to take long deep breaths regularly to help you relax and oxygenate the living cells of your body.
Shallow breathing gives you very little.
Your body’s many trillions of cells all need oxygen to help to release the energy from the food you eat.
So breathe in long deep breaths, hold for eight and release, exhaling them with a sigh…
And take plenty of regular exercise. You will begin to love any kind of exercise. Even walking briskly!
Power walking!
Burn the fat. Energise!
Burn the calories right off your body.
Burning calories feels good. Walking, running.
Any kind of regular exercise feels great!
Burn the fat! Burn through those unwanted calories
Regular exercise speeds up your metabolism, increasing your basal metabolic rate, so you’re even burning calories even when your not exercising, between the regular exercise bursts.
Reduce calories by eating less and eating more healthily.
It is not necessary to crash diet.
This usually ends up with the person concerned either getting weaker or giving up completely in desperation. This in turn can lead to a yo-yo diet effect of the weight loss – weight gain cycle. Cut down on fatty foods and eat instead more bread, fresh fruit and fresh vegetables.
Eating 300 to 500 calories less per day, will lead to safely losing between one and two pounds each week. This is a realistic weight loss. It may seem slow, but would add up to a weight loss of more than three stone over a year.
Having a glass of water instead of juice, eating less lunch than usual and having smaller portions of the food you enjoy are all ways to reduce calorific intake without having to necessarily alter your diet significantly.
Avoid a second helping at dinner and snacks between meals, which may have become a habit. Cut down on beer and alcohol. All these things will influence your health in a positive way.
Just notice bad self-image thoughts and let them pass.
If your sense of self is fragile, if your body feels wrong notice the thoughts that you say to yourself, the pictures of yourself that come to your mind, the feelings in your body as a consequence of this, as if they are clouds moving across the sky in your conciousness, breathe in deeply, hold for a few moments and then let these feelings pass.
Practice this daily.
View food as a medicine.
Start thinking of food as a medicine with its own special power to change your mood and boost your confidence.
Food for good brain chemistry.
Eat little and often.
This will keep your metabolism active and your blood sugar fully stable. This is the “form” of your eating.
Eat low GI Carbs and enough protein for your needs.
Low GI carbohydrates such as brown bread, basmati rice, fresh fruit and veg. Absorb their nutrients slowly and keep your brain chemistry balanced and your energy levels stable. Include about two fistfuls of protein each day, ideally divided among your meals to keep your serotonin levels steady. If you are a vegetarian learn where you can find protein in foods such as beans and lentils and nuts (not salted ones!) Soya and quinoa..
Always eat breakfast.
No compromise on this one, it’s the single most important meal for keeping moods and cravings away. Ideally eat something that keeps blood sugar stable, cereals like porridge, shredded wheat and Weetabix. Brown toast with protein or a fruit smoothie with added seeds some useful alternatives for protein and hunger cravings.
Keep caffeine and diet drinks low.
Before you reach for the extra cup of coffee, think again. Caffeine and diet drinks with artificial sugars generate hunger and cravings through changes in your internal physiology.
Take fish oil daily.
Take fish oil or linseed oil as a supplement for the rest of your life. This is the ultimate brain food. Fish oils are rich in Omega 3 fats which are now being used widely to treat depression and anxiety.
Be open to new ways of thinking.
Don’t be black and white. Go for small changes and if you have a bad day just relax and get back on track, and if you need help, go and get it.
Drink water.
Drink water, but don’t use water as an excuse to fill yourself up. Dehydration can bring on cravings.
Eat super-foods.
Learn about super-foods. Eat one per day; keep a food log and aim to get the number up each week. It’s not necessary to be a health freak. Have fun with food. Food will heal you. Use seeds, dark chocolate, foods with colour and learn to cook so that you can know what is going into your food. Until you are eating a diet that is high in super-foods, take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement each day.
The 80/20 principle.
If eighty percent of the time you are really super healthy and good around food and exercise, and twenty percent of the time you give yourself permission to have a little treat occasionally.. . you will be improving all the time and avoiding perfectionism. Always dangerous perfectionism.
Stay realistic. Little by little you are really changing.
The healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets and fad diets nor sudden bursts of exercise. The body likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise. For example, someone who has not exercised for years should not rush into running three miles every day. Exercise needs to be increased slowly.
People who eat a lot will experience problems if they suddenly start starving themselves. Introduce changes gradually. Even relatively light exercise such as a short walk may be beneficial if done frequently. The calories you eat minus what you use in exercise and maintaining your body will be stored as fat.
Remember that someone who only increases the amount they exercise, but maintains the same diet and calorie intake, will almost certainly still lose weight.